
Friday May 28, 2021
CROWDASSET - Shelley Hague of Angus Council
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
One of the case studies in the book CROWDASSET - Crowdfunding for Policy Makers is that of Angus Council in Scotland. We are joined to Shelley Hague Strategic Policy & Planning Manager at Angus Council to tell us more about the origins of its crowdfunding project, its success and plans for the future

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Crowdfunding Potential in Nigeria with Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Tim Wright of twintangibles interviews Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes of the Matchbox Consultancy author of “Crowdfunding Potential for Nigeria 2017” a report produced in conjunction with CrowdfundingHub.

Monday Jun 29, 2015
Follow up Interview with Derek O'Sullivan of Thermo Tent
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Monday Jun 29, 2015
A few months ago we interviewed Derek O'Sullivan of Thermo Tent prior to their launch of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Derek promised to return and tell us how it went and what he learned.
Good to his word we caught up with Derek after a successful campaign to raise 50,000 Euro. He tells us what went well, what advantages he has found from the campaign success and he shares with us the news that they now plan to run an equity crowdfund on the Seedrs platform
Find out more about Thermo Tent at ThermoTents.com
Find out how twintangibles can help your firm solve problems and create value by accessing the crowd economy at www.twintangibles.co.uk
The incidental music used in the podcast is
“Beach Bum” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Jun 08, 2015
Monday Jun 08, 2015
This week the UK's biggest reward crowdfunding platform, Crowdfunder, announced a partnership with the Community Shares Company so that they can offer Community Share project through their site.
In this podcast we speak to Dave Boyle of the Community Shares Company and he explains how he has been involved in these share issues for some time, what is distinctive about these crowdfunding campaigns and how the new partnership with Crowdfunder is a real expansion of the market.
If you want to find solutions and create value from the crowdeconomy contact us at twintangibles
The incidental music used in the podcast is
"Beach Bum" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Mar 30, 2015
Interview with Derek O'Sullivan of Thermo Tent
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Its not not often that you get to hear form someone whilst they are actually running a crowdfunding campaign - usually it is afterwards as they bask in the glow of success or mull a bruising failure.
But here we speak to Derek O'Sullivan in the midst of his Kickstarter campaign raising funds for Thermo Tent.
Derek tells us why he chose crowdfunding and what he hopes to get from the campaign. He also explains the unique and innovative aspect of Thermo Tent
You can access the campaign here
The incidental music used in the podcast is
"Beach Bum" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Interview with Jamie Veitch from the Shefield Live Crowdfunding campaign
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
In this episode we speak to Jamie Veitch who was an important participant in the Sheffield Live crowdfunding campaign. This project raised £165,000 through a Community Share issue which is specific and increasingly popular type of crowdfunding.
Jamie tells us why they chose this approach and some of the challenges and benefits with running this type of campaign.
The campaign was to raise funds for the existing community radio station to move into the TV realm.
You can find out more about Sheffield Live here and you can find out more about Jamie Veitch here.
The incidental music used in the podcast is
"Beach Bum" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Dec 15, 2014
An interview with Marketlend CEO – Leo Tyndall
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Marketlend is a new Australian lending platform founded and led by Leo Tyndall.
Launched in the same week that the Financial System Inquiry (FSI) of Australia released its “blueprint” for the Australian financial system for the next ten years, this new platform shows how innovation in financial products is global.
We were lucky enough to get a chance to speak to Leo in the week of his launch.
Leo provides us with an interesting insight as to how Marketlend is a necessary addition to the Australian business finance marketplace and what makes its offer so distinctive.
The FSI report is generally encouraging towards crowdfunding and new and novel approaches to finance and we can be sure that where Leo’s team lead others will certainly follow.

Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Tim Wright of twintangibles on BBC Radio Sheffield
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Tuesday Dec 02, 2014
Whilst I was in Sheffield at the Deep Impact Crowdfunding conference I was invited onto BBC radio Sheffield to talk about crowdfunding and the potential launch of Venture finance Hubs. Also speaking are Jamie Veitch and Sharon Mossbeck. Host is Andy Crane.
You can find out much much more at twintangibles.co.uk

Friday Sep 13, 2013
IgnitionDeck - an Interview with Nathan Hangen
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday Sep 13, 2013
DIY Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those
seeking to raise funds for the organisation or project. In this process
crowdfunders choose to host their campaign themselves rather than use
one of the well known crowdfunding platforms. As organisations come
increasingly to understand the value of their crowdassets and social
capital we will see this choice being made more and more, and a whole
industry is already emerging to provide the tools and services that help
make this possible. Amongst the frontrunners in that at present is a
WordPress plugin called IgnitionDeck developed by Virtuous Giant.
It is an increasingly sophisticated tool that has already helped raise
many millions of dollars for thousands of projects. We had the chance to
speak to a co founder of Virtuous Giant Nathan Hangen and asked him
about the past present and future of Ignition Deck.
You can find out much more about twintangibles at twintangibles.co.uk

Monday Apr 02, 2012
An Interview with Markus Lampinen - COO at GrowVC
Monday Apr 02, 2012
Monday Apr 02, 2012
Last week Tim facilitated an interview with Markus Lampinen the COO of GrowVC as part of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce ThinkDigital event, hosted at the Lighthouse. As part of our research work in the Crowdfunding area we maintain links with the major platforms and we had spoken to Markus recently. Part of that took the form of a brief interview where Markus explained something about the origins of GrowVC and how they develop what they refer to as an ‘ecosystem for startups’. Here is the mp3 of that interview, the transcript is available on our website.